On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:18 PM, tedd <tedd.sperl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At 8:03 PM +0000 1/12/09, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>> I tend to use $_REQUEST to capture a lot of my data, as I end up mixing
>> get and post a lot throughout my code. $_REQUEST is an amalgamate of
>> $_COOKIE, $_GET and $_POST (in that order I believe, with $_GET
>> overwritting $_COOKIE, and $_POST overwriting $_GET). This is especially
>> useful when altering how a form sends data. Only today we had to update
>> a form to use GET instead of POST, as IE managed to break the back
>> button because of the POST values not auto-submitting. It would have
>> meant a lot of code changes had $_REQUEST not been used.
>> Ash
>> www.ashleysheridan.co.uk
> Arrgggg.
> I was thinking you were up there with the PHP greats until you said that.
>  :-0
> I never use requests -- you simply don't know where the data is coming from
> and that presents a possible security risk as well as confusion if you have
> to review/trouble-shoot the code later.
> Am I wrong?
> Cheers,
> tedd
> --
> -------
> http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com
> --
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I can just as easily make firefox/curl send data via cookie or post as
a get.  It's how you validate it that is the most important (security

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