For what it's worth, you are on my good guys list.

Coming. From a Dba background I am in the camp of everything is a trade off. Ease of use for speed, functionality for complexity and so on.

My two cents: zend has an advantage because you can use the bits and pieces without the need to have the whole in play.

Codeigniter is nice because it's lighter weight means it is one of the fastest of the frameworks.

Personally some of the larger frameworks with the orm layer I see as useful for wireframing or some quick samples for a prototype as they generate the basics of the interaction.


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On Jan 14, 2009, at 8:17 PM, Daevid Vincent <> wrote:

Lol, on your resumé page, the popup says you're not a Java man, but then
the actual resumé says you are... :p

No. I wrote Java for 3.5 years at WildTangent, a company I founded as
employee #2 back in 1998, and left once I felt it was starting to become sketchy and we had grown to over 250 employees. That doesn't make me a "Java man". The popup is correct. I have no desire to code in Java or C#
or Perl or any other language but LAMP (well, maybe Ruby would be
acceptable). I get a recruiter a day contacting me in spite of that
message, but it does help to weed out the rest of them. Knowing a
language or previously coding in it doesn't mean you want to continue to
use it forever.

AND you worked for WildTangent. Enough said. Haha.

When we started WildTangent, we were the first company to do 3D graphics
in a web page. We effectively put microsoft's "Chrome" out of business
and we did amazing things. You could write full blown games using basic
Javascript or Java IN a web page. You didn't need to know complex math
or collision detection algorithms or trig or calc or anything. The
average programmer could create games or other graphics (3D pie- charts,
etc) easily.

Now they're a less than average game company that doesn't even use the
WebDriver and has a stigma of adware. I was proud of what I accomplished
at WildTangent, despite what it has degraded into now (which I left in
10/2001, so had nothing to do with that debacle).

*sigh* It's unfortunate you guys can't see past some superficial stuff
and have an intelligent dialog about frameworks and help the OP with his
question. Instead this has turned into an "attack" on me -- one of the
few people who posted opinions and helpful insight for him to make an
informed decision.  Thanks to those who did agree with me, and even
those who disagree'd politely.


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