Project: PHP Common Objects and Datatypes

method: for everybody who wishes to contribute, and for everybody to review, discuss and work on the same classes.

what are they: classes we can all use, that have been discussed, reviewed and agreed between many great developers around the world.

the classes: all the common ones we can re-use from "User" to "Address" "Email" "Article" and beyond, also perhaps wrappers for primatives / scalars.

expanding: extra abstract classes we can also use, common interfaces for the above; eventually maybe utility classes as well.

the idea wouldn't be a framework or another php classes, more of a repo full of common classes to save us all some time, and as a nice project anybody can contribute to and which we can all discuss and debate the finer grained details.

additional: these would maybe be best to stick to common usage, so if we have say a "User" class in our own project with specific needs, we can simply extend the base user class and add our own functionality.

thinking of putting this distraction and debate time to good use that we can all benefit from.

would also propose sticking to php 5.X [we could decide a version] and obviously OO; but then if the procedural guys wanted they could as well.

maybe it's just me, no commitment, no solid work, just bits of contrib and discussion / feedback.

follow? thoughts? comments? interest?

[everybody, even tony, would need max input and discussion to get the best solutions for us all, and class at a time should mean we get a steady stream of classes to the repo.. think about 6 months down the line]

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