On Saturday 30 June 2001 04:31, Richard Lynch wrote:

> >I'd like to know how small my content gets when i use
> >ob_gzhandler.

> Does gz-handler not provide any facility for measuring its performance
> or anything?...  You'd think it would...

Using gzencode () should perform identical (compression ratio - wise) to 
ob_gzhandler. So a

$PageZ = gzencode ($Page);
$PL = strlen ($Page);
$PLZ = strlen ($PageZ);

echo "Uncompressed : $PL<br>";
echo "Compressed: $PLZ<br>";
echo "Ratio: " . ($PLZ / $PL) . "<br>";

should do the job at the cost of a little overhead (page is compressed 

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://lgdc.sunsite.dk/)

void sleep(){for(long int sheep=0;!asleep();sheep++);}

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