On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Paul M Foster <pa...@quillandmouse.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 05:27:35PM -0800, Jack Bates wrote:
> > How can I tell the difference between a variable whose value is null and
> > a variable which is not set?
> >
> > // cannot use === null:
> >
> > ket% php -r '$null = null; var_dump(null === $null);'
> > bool(true)
> > ket% php -r 'var_dump(null === $unset);'
> > bool(true)
> > ket%
> >
> > // - cannot use isset() either:
> >
> > ket% php -r '$null = null; var_dump(isset($null));'
> > bool(false)
> > ket% php -r 'var_dump(isset($unset));'
> > bool(false)
> > ket%
> Oh I *love* this problem. I still haven't found the perfect solution for
> it. But since a lot of things in PHP float around as strings, I often
> use strlen(trim($var)) == 0 to determine the "emptiness" of a variable.
> But it all depends on what type of variable you expect to receive. I
> don't have this problem so much with methods and functions, since I
> specifically engineer them to give me exact results. But I get it when
> testing POST and GET variables from web pages.
> Paul
> --
> Paul M. Foster

I've replaced all my techniques for testing POST and GET data by the filter


Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas

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