On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 3:47 PM, bruce <bedoug...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> A simple question (or so I thought).
> Does php allow an app to create/start a process/application that can
> continue to run on its own, after the initiating program/app terminates?
> It appears that the spawning/forking functions might work, but the child
> apps would be in a zombie status, and couldn't be killed by an external
> program.
> Basically, I'd like to create a bunch of test apps/processes, and then to
> be
> able to kill them by a separate process if the apps take too long to run..
> So.. thoughts/comments would be appreciated!
> thanks
Check out the user comments under this function:


Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas

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