It is indeed strange, since in the sources I have (downloaded about a
week ago), I already have the exact source that the patch presents
(without the lines prefixed with +).
I'm looking at $PHPHOME/Zend/zend_alloc.c file.

Am I to suppose that there is no need to patch anything?


Andi Gutmans wrote:
> Very strange. I just checked it and it worked for me with GNU patch 2.5.
> Do you know how to apply it yourself? You just need to add those three
> lines (without the leading +).
> Andi
> At 07:48 PM 7/1/2001 +0300, Rouvas Stathis wrote:
> >Patch cannot be successfully applied. Any suggestions ?
> >
> >Output from patch application:
> >
> ><start>
> >rouvas@aspasia(12) /opt/ide2/rouvas/tmp/php-4.0.6/Zend >patch -i
> >patch.zend_alloc.c
> >patching file zend_alloc.c
> >Hunk #1 FAILED at 446.
> >1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file zend_alloc.c.rej
> >rouvas@aspasia(13) /opt/ide2/rouvas/tmp/php-4.0.6/Zend >cat
> >zend_alloc.c.rej
> >***************
> >*** 446,451 ****
> >                  for (i=1; i<MAX_CACHED_MEMORY; i++) {
> >                          for (j=0; j<AG(cache_count)[i]; j++) {
> >                                  ptr = (zend_mem_header *)
> >AG(cache)[i][j];
> >                                  REMOVE_POINTER_FROM_LIST(ptr);
> >                                  free(ptr);
> >                          }
> >--- 446,454 ----
> >                  for (i=1; i<MAX_CACHED_MEMORY; i++) {
> >                          for (j=0; j<AG(cache_count)[i]; j++) {
> >                                  ptr = (zend_mem_header *)
> >AG(cache)[i][j];
> >+                                AG(allocated_memory) -=
> >REAL_SIZE(ptr->size);
> >+ #endif
> >                                  REMOVE_POINTER_FROM_LIST(ptr);
> >                                  free(ptr);
> >                          }
> >
> ></start>
> >
> >-Stathis.
> >
> >Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > >
> > > There is a bug in PHP 4.0.6 which affects PHP users who use the memory
> > > limit option. (i.e. developers who include --enable-memory-limit in their
> > > configure line).
> > > The patch is posted at If you don't use
> > > this option there is no need for you to download and apply the patch.
> > >
> > > Andi

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