Larry Garfield wrote:
Greetings, all. I am looking for feedback on a documentation question, in the hopes that someone else has found a good solution to an abnormal situation.

We're in the process of introducing OOP syntax to a large procedural code base. Our developer base is a mixture of people who are procedural-centric and those that flip between procedural and OOP easily. One area we've run into is documenting some of the more complex OOP interactions. For example, if we have a method chain:


some developers have expressed concern in figuring out which narf() method is actually being called, since foo(), bar() and baz() may return objects of different classes (of the same interface) depending on various conditions (the classic factory pattern). Currently, we're including a docblock (Doxygen, close enough to PHPDoc for government work) on the interface or parent class that has full docs, and then nothing on the child classes. My understanding of docblocks is that most documentation parsers prefer that, so that the docblock itself inherits. One suggestion that has been raised is to reference the parent class and factory function in a comment after the method signature. That is:

class Narfing_mysql {
  // ...

 public function narf() { // Narfing  foo()
    // ...

So that it can be easily grepped for.  That strikes me as a very hacky non-
solution. Does anyone else have a recommendation for how to improve such documentation? Is there a standard in PHPDoc that I don't know about? Any other projects doing something like that?

first idea would just be to use the @return; if they're using any kind decent of ide it'll show the return type; failing that they can check the docs

class Narfing_mysql {
  * @return Type
 public function narf() { // Narfing  foo()
    // ...

or not best practice but i dare say

class Narfing_mysql {
  * @return TypeA, TypeB
 public function narf() { // Narfing  foo()
    // ...

or in the method description with @see Class inline links?


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