Terion Miller wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am having problems resolving errors with some images causing the Undefined
> variable and getting property of non-object errors, I am trying to make a
> copy function so that an order can be viewed then resubmitted as a new order
> with minimal changes if needed.
> Here's my code: --could it be out of order as in the select should be above
> the insert?  I bolded where the errors are happening.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     if ($GO == "Save") {

echo $AdminID;

>     $sql = "SELECT Name FROM admin WHERE AdminID='$AdminID'";
>     $result = mysql_query ($sql);

echo mysql_num_rows($result);  //if 0 then $result is empty

>    * $row = mysql_fetch_object($result);    this is giving me problems and I
> tried changing the object to assoc
> *
>     $Notes = "~". date("F j, Y g:i a") ." - Planet Discover Enhanced Listing
> Submitted by ". $row->Name ."\n";  *This is the "trying to get property of
> non object"*

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