Thodoris wrote:

I am having a FreeBSD web server for development that is working like
a charm when sending mail using something like this:

// Define the e-mail content
$email = "f...@foo,com";
$subject = "H εργασία: (id: 1868) έκλεισε χωρίς σχόλια.";
$message = "Αυτό είναι ένα τέστ. Αυτό είναι ένα τέστ. Αυτό είναι ένα
τέστ."; // $subject = mb_encode_mimeheader($subject,'iso-8859-1','B');

The language  in both subject and  mail body  is Greek. But when I am
uploading  this to a Linux CentOS 5.2 server this mail is being sent
but the subject is rubbish.
All encodings are in UTF-8 (the php file, the encoding of the mail
client etc) so to solve this I have added the mb_encode_mimeheader

But for some reason you've specified ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8?

/Per Jessen, Zürich

Yes I know that this is not reasonable but using UTF-8 fails. And this seems to work in some cases. I am thinking that this has to do with PHP's internal encoding or something with the OS. I am not sure why that works this way that's why I am asking for some enlightenment :-)

Is there something that I need to set for PHP to change its behavior.


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