On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Gavin Hodge <gavin.ho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm fairly new to PHP, having migrated from the Java / C# world.
> I wrote some code similar to the following:
> $success = true;
> $success &= operation1();
> $success &= operation2();
> if ($success === true) {
>    operation3(); // depends on 1 and 2 being successful
> }
> This didn't work as expected. After a bit of digging I found:
> * The &= operation isn't mentioned anywhere in the PHP documentation
> * The &= function seems to work as expected, however the following is
> observed...
>       $success = true;
>       $success &= true;
>       print $success == true; // outputs 1
>       print $sucesss === true; // no output
> * The 'or' assignment operator |= causes no errors but doesn't work.
> Can any PHP gurus explain why the &= operator works at all, and why
> === seems to fail afterwards?
> Cheers,
> Gavin.
> --
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You're doing an AND, then assigning it when you say &=.  Think of it
like doing something such as .= or +=.

You might also be confusing &= with =& where =& means assign by
reference.  This used to be very necessary when dealing with php4 oop,
but isn't so much anymore.

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