> -----Original Message-----
> From: leledumbo [mailto:leledumbo_c...@yahoo.co.id] 
> Sent: 03 February 2009 05:03
> To: php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: [PHP] Visibility of class constant
> I got a weird behaviour of class constant. Suppose I have
> and Another_Controller classes, both extending Controller class. I
> some constants (let's assume I only have one, call it MY_CONST) in
> Controller class to be used by its descendants. In Index_Controller, I
> freely use MY_CONST without parent:: needed. However, this isn't the
> with Another_Controller. Without parent:: I got notice Use of
> constant MY_CONST - assumed 'MY_CONST'. How could this happen and
what's the
> correct behaviour? It's actually nicer to have it without parent::,
> that constants have protected visibility specifier (which isn't
> AFAIK :-( ).

You cannot access a class constant just by the constant name. See

you need to use self::MY_CONST, I guess; your code might make it


class Controller
        const CONSTANT = 'foo<br />';

class Index_Controller extends Controller
        public function __construct()
                echo CONSTANT; echo '<br/>';  // gives warning
                echo self::CONSTANT;          // foo
                echo parent::CONSTANT;        // foo

class Another_Controller extends Controller
        const CONSTANT = 'bar<br />';

        public function __construct()
                echo self::CONSTANT;          // bar
                echo parent::CONSTANT;        // foo

new Index_Controller would give you the warning you described for
CONSTANT and return 'foo' for self::CONSTANT and parent::CONSTANT as
CONSTANT was inherited. In Another_Controller CONSTANT is overridden so
self::CONSTANT would be 'bar' and parent::CONSTANT would be 'foo'.

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