2009/2/3 Daevid Vincent <dae...@daevid.com>:
> On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 08:58 +1100, Chris wrote:
>> >> the question is what is __set() doing, if it's throwing an exception
>> >> for undefined properties then obviously it with 'blow up'.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > But why should __set() even be called if I'm accessing the property
>> > directly? This seems stupid.
>> >
>> > $this->oraclecustomerid =  1122;
>> >
>> > should NOT be the same as
>> >
>> > $this->set_oraclecustomerid(1122);
>> >
>> > The second one I agree should call __set(), but the first one should NOT
>> > be triggering __call() or __set()
>> Yes it should.
>> http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.overloading.php#language.oop5.overloading.members
>> __set() is run when writing data to inaccessible members.
>> if it's a protected/private variable, it'll call __set.
>> If it's a variable that doesn't exist, it'll call __set.
> Let me rephrase that. I see now that it is designed that way, but I
> think the logic is erroneous.  While I'm sure this argument/discussion
> is all for naught now, I believe that a straight assignment of a value
> to a variable, SHOULD NOT do any behind the scenes magic __set(). It
> should just do it. Otherwise, what's the point of being able to "set" a
> property/variable both ways? One gives no benefit over the other and as
> illustrated decreases flexibility. It appears it will work if I change
> my property to public, but I don't want them exposed like that. *sigh*
> Bottom line is there should be a create_property($name, $value = null,
> $type = 'protected') function/method that I can call to do what I'm
> trying to do.
> I assume unset($this->foo); works. So therefore, I can check for
> existence of a property, and consequently remove a property, but I
> cannot create a property.

In PHP class properties must be defined before being used. The __set
and __get magic methods allow you to arbitrarily create properties,
and IMHO is the most flexible way to do it. If it "just worked" as you
want it to you would not be able to create rules around what
properties can be created or what values they can hold.

I use those magic methods to implement validation in my model classes.
If $this->x simply created x I would have to implement it using
accessor functions which IMHO is much less intuitive.

When deciding whether to call __set or __get PHP looks at whether you
can access the property in the current context, so if you declare a
private or protected property you should be able to set its value from
within the class without involving the magic methods.

Hope that makes things a bit clearer.



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