Jônatas Zechim wrote:
> Can you dump the table structure to show us how you've set it up?
> Bastien
> Cat, the other other white meat
> Yeah, that’s it:
> CREATE TABLE `ctalk_admin` (
>   `admin_id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `admin_nome` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
>   `admin_login_nome` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
>   `admin_pass` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
>   `admin_login` int(10) NOT NULL,
>   `admin_lastping` int(10) NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (`admin_id`),
>   KEY `admin_lastping` (`admin_lastping`)

I would add a second column to that admin_lastping KEY

KEY `admin_lastping` (`admin_lastping`, `admin_id`)

Since you are using both columns in your where clause, they both need to be 
specified /in the same/ index for and index to be used.

Otherwise, some random index might be used.  But you will get the best 
performance if both are listed in the same index.

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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