I am completely baffled by this.

I have a PHP script that is using Cameron Hinkle's LightweightPicasaAPIv3 to authenticate with the Google Picasa service using the AuthSub method.

Basically, if we're not authenticated, redirect to the google authsub URL: (https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRequest?next=http%3A%2F%2Ftwozerowest.com%2Fsnowdog%2520gallery%2Fadmin.php&scope=http%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google.com%2Fdata%2Ffeed%2Fapi&session=1 )

This page requests that the user either grant access or deny access.

Grant access takes us to the URL specified (my authentication script) with a ?token=xxxxx added to the end of the URL.

This all works. We get back to my URL with ?token=xxxxx appended to the URL.

That's when it starts getting weirder than anything I've seen in PHP:
My debugging output confirms that:
1. $_SERVER['request_method'] = GET
2. strlen($_GET['token']) = 0
3. $_GET - array()...but it's empty!
4. $_REQUEST[] contains no 'token' element
5. echo($_GET['token']) prints the value of ?token= from the URL


My code:

Note the comments inside/around the try/catch statement inside the if block.

WTF? This evaluates to false...or seems to anyway. Code that is inside it's if{} statement does not execute.
if(strlen($_GET['token']) > 0)

But then, other code that IS in it's if{} statement DOES execute...and the $_GET['token'] that has a 0 strlen in the if() statement now echos as a 16 character string!


if(strlen($_GET['token']) > 0) {
        // evaluates ???...
$firephp->info('got a token: ' . $_GET['token']); #this doesn't happen echo ('echo $_GET[\'token\'] output: ' . $_GET['token']); #this doesn't happen
        // try to authenticate with it

        # this try/catch block DOES NOT happen!
            $token = $pic->authorizeWithAuthSub($_GET['token']);
$firephp->info('running authorizeWithAuthSub() with token: ' . $_GET['token']);
                $firephp->info('there we go...authenticated!');
                $firephp->info('token :' . $pic->getAuthToken());
echo 'inside try/catch :' . $_GET['token']; #this echo statement inside the try/catch DOES happen...WTF!?
        } catch (Picasa_Exception_FailedAuthorizationException $e){
            $firephp->log($e, 'error');
    } else {
$pic->redirectToLoginPage('http://twozerowest.com/snowdog%20gallery/admin.php' , 1);

Anyone have ANY idea what's going on?

John Corry
email: jco...@gmail.com

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