Thodoris wrote:
>>> When I make something wrong like syntax error; I get blank pages.
>> Because the PHP code is not running (because of the syntax error), and
>> thus not setting the error reporting as desired. You'll need to aither
>> use a .htaccess file (if you're running Apache) or make the changes in
>> your php.ini file (and restart your web server). Either way you won't
>> be able to use the constants (which you use only in a PHP script. IIRC
>> the correct directive would be:
>> error_reporting 2047
> In other words try to set:
> display_errors=On
> error_reporting = E_ALL
> in your php.ini which is:
> /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
> As far as I can see from you phpinfo page.
> So that you don't need to set it in every script during runtime as you
> mentioned.

I would look at doing this only for a testing area, but not for a production 

If they are one in the same, then you could setup to different sub domains, one 
for testing and one for production.

They can point to the same DOCUMENT_ROOT for that matter, just have different 
running configurations.

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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