Daevid Vincent wrote:
I'm trying to build a multi-array menu (but open to using classes or
something if that makes this easier).
Does anyone have a solution already working?

I'm very close, but I can't seem to get my "directories" to work and I
end up with extraneous <ul> blocks.

here's what I need to re-create:

Try this function instead.

function multiArray2MenuTree( $menu, $indent = 0, $sub = false ) {
  if ( is_array($menu) && count($menu) ) {
    print(str_repeat("\t",$indent).'<ul class="navTree toggleClosed">');
    foreach ($menu as $key => $value) {
      //echo "<b>$key</b> = $value<br/>\n";
      if ( is_array($value) ) {
                '<li id="'.$key.'" class="file ext_txt"><a href="'.
        multiArray2MenuTree($value, $indent+1, true);
      } elseif ($key == 'alt' && !$sub) {
        print(str_repeat("\t",$indent+1).'<li id="'.$key.
                '" class="directory collapsed"><a href="#"
      } else {
        print(str_repeat("\t",$indent+1).'<li id="'.$key.
                '" class="directory collapsed">I did not match either if
                condition, you need to figure out why...</li>');

This might point out what is happening.

Now, to fix it.  Use this...

function multiArray2MenuTree( $menu, $indent = 0, $sub = false ) {
  $output = '';
  if ( is_array($menu) && count($menu) ) {
    foreach ($menu as $key => $value) {
      if ( is_array($value) ) {
        $output .= str_repeat("\t",$indent).'<li id="'.$key.
                   '" class="file ext_txt"><a href="'.
        $output .= multiArray2MenuTree($value, $indent+1, true);
        $output .= "</li>\n";
      } elseif ($key == 'alt' && !$sub) {
        $output .= str_repeat("\t",$indent).'<li id="'.$key.
                   '" class="directory collapsed"><a href="#"
    if ( strlen($output) > 0 ) {
      $output = PHP_EOL.str_repeat("\t",$indent).
                '<ul class="navTree toggleClosed">'.
  return $output;

echo multiArray2MenuTree($navArray);

Try the above and let us know how it worked.

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