Lewis Wright schreef:
> 2009/2/19 Jochem Maas <joc...@iamjochem.com>:
>> Thodoris schreef:
>>>> seems to work fine here.
>>>> What are your php.ini (memory related) settings?
>>>> run:
>>>> /usr/local/bin/php --ini
>>>> and get the location of the php.ini file that is getting used.  Check
>>>> our the memory settings in that file.
>>> Some general options:
>>> max_input_time = 60
>>> max_execution_time = 120
>>> memory_limit = 128M
>>> and the last one I have just noticed (that is why it reports the leak):
>>> report_memleaks = On
>>> In case I set this to Off it just stops bugging me. But is there a
>>> memory leak?
>> yes.
>>> And if yes should I report this as a bug ?
>> if (
>>        1. report_memleaks is a core php.ini setting (not suhosin) (I don't 
>> recall)
>>        2. you still get the leak if you disable suhosin extension
>>        3. you can create a small reproduction script (seems you have one, 
>> but I'd
>>           check that it's the getopt() call that triggers the leak)
>>        4. you can show the mem leak in 5.2.9RC2 and/or php5.3dev
>> ) {
>>        report_a_bug();
>> }
> Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING :(

sorry. try this instead:


if (!function_exists('readline')) {
    function readline( $prompt = '' )
        echo $prompt;
        return rtrim( fgets( STDIN ), "\n" );

function makeUserPerformSomeStuff($cmd)
    $answer = null;

    echo "compute this: $cmd\n\n";

    while (!in_array(strtolower($answer), array('n','y')))
        $answer = readline("did it compute? [y/n]: ");

    return ($answer == 'y');

function report_a_bug()
    return makeUserPerformSomeStuff("report a bug.");

if (makeUserPerformSomeStuff("
    1. report_memleaks is a core php.ini setting (not suhosin) (I don't recall)
    2. you still get the leak if you disable suhosin extension
    3. you can create a small reproduction script (seems you have one, but I'd
       check that it's the getopt() call that triggers the leak)
    4. you can show the mem leak in 5.2.9RC2 and/or php5.3dev
")) {

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