jim white wrote:
> Jim Lucas wrote:
>> jim white wrote:
>>> I have tried to install phpDocumentor, but am having problems getting it
>>> to run. Finding install directions has so far eluded me. Are there any
>>> installation instructions for this?
>>> Jim White
>> searching google for install phpDocumentor
>> first result is this
>> http://manual.phpdoc.org/HTMLSmartyConverter/HandS/phpDocumentor/tutorial_phpDocumentor.quickstart.pkg.html
>> Is this what you are looking for?
> No, I already found that. I have installed it according to the
> instructions. PEAR didn't work at all, and install using tar file only
> partly works.

When you say PEAR didn't work.  What exactly do you mean.  If you received an 
error, what was it?

What exactly "only partly worked" with the tar installer?

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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