PJ wrote:
> This really needs some explanation
> I found this on the web:
> <?php echo `whoami`; ?>
> with it there was the comment "the direction of those single-quotes matters"
> (WHY ?)
> and it works....
> But this (_*FROM THE PHP MANUAL***_ * -  exec()* executes the given
> /command/ ) does not,
> |<?php
> // outputs the username that owns the running php/httpd process
> // (on a system with the "whoami" executable in the path)
> echo exec('whoami');
> ?> |
> What is going on here?
> And I often find such discrepancies in examples - and some wonder why I
> seem to be so stupid... and don't know the fundamentals... :-\

Others have shown how exec() returns the output.  If you use
shell_exec() it's the same as using the backticks:

<?php echo `whoami`; ?>


<?php echo shell_exec("whoami"); ?>

You can use single quotes here also, i used double so you can easily
tell they are not backticks


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