On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 11:27:08AM -0500, PJ wrote:


> What is not clear to me is why would I need to use a shell? What kind of
> situations call for it's use?

If you don't know the answer to that question, why would you ask the
original question? If you don't believe you don't have a use for this
material, don't worry about it. At the least, examine a book on the
subject, rather than asking questions here. If this was a
mission-critical part of your project and you need an immediate answer
now, then I understand asking the question here. But if the whole thing
is hypothetical, take the opportunity to read up on it; it's not
critical to your work at this point.

And asking us where a character is on your keyboard? Come on.

I'm the first guy in line to answer newbie questions if I can. And I've
castigated list members for framing their answers in a way which would
be impossible for newbies to understand. And I understand how things can
get confusing to newbies. But I sometimes reach a point where I begin to
wonder whether a newbie is actually paying attention. Or whether a
newbie is really just playing around, wasting our time because he won't
take the time to buy a book or carefully research an item on the web.

And FWIW, php.net has better documentation than that of any
other package I've ever seen. I keep a browser tab open to php.net at
all times.


Paul M. Foster

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