On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 15:48 -0600, Shawn McKenzie wrote:
> PJ wrote:
> > Shawn McKenzie wrote:
> >> PJ wrote:
> >>   
> >>> Daniel Brown wrote:
> >>>     
> >>>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:42, PJ <af.gour...@videotron.ca> wrote:
> >>>>   
> >>>>       
> >>>>> Right on.  Good comments.
> >>>>> No offense taken and none intended.
> >>>>> I am enoying the list and will continue to participate, if i may.
> >>>>> I have learned a great deal already and really do appreciate the help.
> >>>>>     
> >>>>>         
> >>>>     So you mentioned your involvement in television production and
> >>>> briefly touched on cooking shows and such.... what brought you into
> >>>> the insanity of web programming?  New stage in life, or specifically
> >>>> to work on your daughter's site? 
> >>>>       
> >>> Her necessity and my curiosity coupled with an interesting challenge. :-)
> >>> After this, there's the other site http://www.chiccantine.com - that's
> >>> just a start for now... we're aiming for a really great site on food
> >>> that will be instuctional as well as enlightening for all to learn how
> >>> to "really" deal with great food - what it is all "really" about take a
> >>> look at the link below the signature. You might learn something about
> >>> vanilla.
> >>> BTW, we'll be looking for great programmers and designers who will want
> >>> to participate in the "adventure" (as that is what it will be) - we'll
> >>> surely be doing this as a non-profit thing and hope to develop something
> >>> profitable along the way. The startup will require dedication and some
> >>> time with the hope of worthwhile earnings once things are rolling.
> >>> Requirements are: love of food (the real, natural stuff), a hate for
> >>> Monsanto, corn
> >>>     
> >> What?  Monsanto makes great weed killers and what the hell is wrong with
> >> corn?!?!  Have you seriously never roated a cob in the husk over a wood
> >> fire and then submerged the cob into a vat of melted butter?  Plus pigs,
> >> cows and chickens eat it.  Mmmm...
> >>   
> > Ooooh, boy.... now this is really serious... >:o
> > I think your ignorance will be forgiven, maybe! And this is not meant
> > disparagingly but you'd better find out about Monsanto and corn and how
> > they are probably the greatest destructors of the the environment and
> > our own bodies? Google it and get a hold of some books, like try Michael
> > Pollan; do you have any idea of what Monsanto does and to whom and how?
> > Do you know how corn is destroying whole economies of countries? Corn is
> > sweeping continents because of human greed - it is being used to create
> > all sorts of artificial food ingredients and even to produce petrol
> > (oil) substitutes... even your own body is probably so full of corn
> > derivatives that it is surprising that you haven't turned into a corn
> > cob by now -- especially if you are not paying attention, and I mean
> > great attention, to what you eat... like MacDos and pre-packaged
> > prepared foods... just think for a minute: according to the current
> > business models in just about everything including and especially the
> > food industry... how do you think they boost their profits... certainly
> > not by raising prices... nooooooh, that would not be cool... they just
> > downgrade the quality of the ingredients and the workers so that  if
> > ;you are not eating shit by the time it gets to your enteron (that is a
> > word - one that Enron paid some 6 million smackers fo an agency and then
> > found out that that is the the entire digestive tract right from one
> > input hole to the output hole) :-D , it is a miracle....
> > glad to have this opportunity to rile - that is exactly the kind of
> > thing that we want to do with the site that we are starting to
> > develop... to destroy ignorance about food - to enllighten, inform and
> > teach to have a greater society of well fed and healthy individuals...
> > don't foget, you are what you eat - the name escapes me at the moment,
> > but it was a great French chef of the 18th century who said that...
> > I could go on at great length on that subject... but I have to goet some
> > work done...
> Not ignorance but indifference to some of what you shout :-)
> I don't enjoy/eat macdonalds or other fast food and use pre-packaged
> stuff on rare occasion.  We buy fresh ingredients from local meat
> markets/farmers markets etc.  This includes corn.  Corn is yummy,
> chickens, pigs and cows eat corn and chickens, pigs and cows are yummy!
>  Hell, cornbread is yummy!
> I do however cringe at the practice of burning our food in internal
> combustion engines.
> As for monsanto, I don't know much about them, but I know they have many
> different products/businesses.  The only one I use is roundup (I think
> this is monsanto).  It's great to kill the weeds in the cracks in the
> driveway and sidewalks.  Also, if it's not windy I use it in the mulched
> flower beds and sometimes in the areas filled with river rocks.
> I guess I should read more about it.  Did this come about before or
> after wal-mart started ruining the planet?  What about the communists
> contaminating our precious bodily fluids?
> Whatever you do, please, please, please, for the love of all that is
> holy, please, do not vilify potatoes!  ...or the Irish :-)
> -- 
> Thanks!
> -Shawn
> http://www.spidean.com
Whilst we're on the subject, what about cows, pigs and sheep, which are
the biggest contributors to global warming through their, erm, gases?
Global warming is a huge problem, so I call upon all vegetarians to eat
as much meat as possible to rectify this problem! ;)


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