On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 21:55 -0700, mike wrote:
> For templating ideas ...
> Would bytecode caches (APC) be able to work properly with this:
> function print_something($args, $output = 'html') {
>       switch($output) {
>            'iphone':
>                print_something_iphone($args);
>                break;
>            default:
>                print_something_html($args);
>                break;
>       }
> }
> or something like this:
> function print_something($args, $output = 'html') {
>       if(function_exists('print_something_'.$output)) {
>            call_user_func('print_something_'.$output);
>       }
> }

I thought we covered a question just like this a week ago... yes this
will not pose a problem for a bytecode cache.

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