On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 02:06 -0500, Micah Gersten wrote:
> scubak1w1 wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Banging my head against this one...
> > 
> > Briefly:
> >  - I have two forms on the same page
> >  - both forms are: action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" 
> > method="post"
> >  - both forms gave unique ids
> >  - both forms have a hidden file of the type <input type="hidden" 
> > name="_add_new_module_details" value="1" /> which is checked directly below 
> > the form with an "if(array_key_exists('_add_new_module_details', $_POST)) 
> > { ...}" method
> >  - first form is a file upload
> >  - 2nd form is a details submit
> >  - submit button on 2nd form is only 'turned on' (via AJAX) once the user 
> > has uploaded file file
> >  - 2nd form validated fields contents, via an onsubmit
> >  - after 2nd form successuly submitted, head off back to another page
> > 
> > In Internet Destroyer, the page works just fine (i.e., both forms fire as 
> > expected)
> > 
> > In the non-IE browsers I have tried (Firefox, Chrome, Opera), the first 
> > form 
> > uploads the file properly, the 2nd form's submit is 'turned on' by AJAX - 
> > BUT the submit button on the 2nd form doesn't seem to do anything - i.e., 
> > the onsubmit is not being triggered, etc, etc
> > 
> > help!   <smile>
> > 
> > Thanks in advance:
> > GREG
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Have you checked the Javascript error console in Firefox?
> -- 
> Micah
It sounds like a script error rather than a PHP error. Use Firebug which
will show you the HTML as it is updated by Javascript, so you can see
where the problem is. I'm willing to bet that the Javascript code you
are using is IE only.


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