Hi there,


Well, after reading the post about "so called experts" and licensing 
programming, I
can say that I sure am not licensed or even remotely close to a novice PHP
programmer, just a ‘lil ole PHP beginner trying to get my web page set up and
learn a few things.  I’m not sure if I am
in the right forum but thought I would give this a shot…

I just
created a new mail form in Dreamweaver for a web site.  I’m
working on a form to mail script that I started after reading a few on line 
tutorials, and can’t seem to get right. When I run
this little test script (named sendmail2.php) from the tutorial, on my server,
just to make sure PHP is working OK for web email forms: 


$email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; 

$message = $_REQUEST['message'] ; 

mail( "h...@mydomain.com", "Feedback Form Results", 

$message, "From: $email" ); 

header( "Location: http://www.mydomain.com/thankyou.html";


Which takes
input from the following testmail.html page form: 

<form method="post"

Email: <input name="email" type="text" /><br

Message:<br /> 

<textarea name="message" rows="15"

</textarea><br /> 

<input type="submit" /> 


It works
great, I get the senders email address and comment sent to my email address –
But the form
I want to use my final design from Dreamweaver, is: 

<form id="formEmail"
name="formEmail" method="post"


<legend>Account Info:</legend> 

<label for="emailAddress">User Name:</label> 

<input type="text" name="emailAddress"
id="emailAddress" tabindex="10" /> 

<br /> 

<label for="pwd">Password</label> 

<input type="text" name="pwd" id="pwd"
tabindex="20" /> 

<br /> 

<label for="confirm">Confirm Password:</label> 

<input type="text" name="confirm"
id="confirm" tabindex="30" /> 

<br /> 



<legend>Personal Info</legend> 

<br /> 

<label for="firstname">First Name:</label> 

<input type="text" name="firstname"
id="firstname" tabindex="40" /> 

<br /> 

<br /> 

<label for="lastname">Last Name:</label> 

<input type="text" name="lastname"
id="lastname" tabindex="50" /> 

<br /> 

<br /> 

<label for="region">What state do you live

<select name="region" id="region"

<option value="al">Alabama</option> 

<option value="in">Indiana</option> 

<option value="mich"

<option value="oh">Ohio</option> 


<br /> 

<p> How long have u been sawing?</p> 


<input type="radio" name="WoodLength"
value="newbie" id="WoodLength_0" tabindex="70"

0-2 years</label> 

<br /> 


<input type="radio" name="WoodLength"
value="novice" id="WoodLength_1" tabindex="80"

3-5 years</label></td> 

<br /> 


<input type="radio" name="WoodLength"
value="expert" id="WoodLength_2"

6 plus years</label><br /> 

<p>What tools do you use most often?</p> 

<br /> 

<input type="checkbox" name="shop"
id="shop" tabindex="100" /> 

<label for="shop">Shopping</label> 

<br /> 

<input type="checkbox" name="tools"
id="tools" tabindex="120" /> 

<label for="tools">Tools</label> 

<br /> 

<input type="checkbox" name="saws"
id="saws" tabindex="130" /> 

<label for="saws">Saws</label> 

<br /> 

<label for="Comments">Additional Comments</label> 

<br /> 

<textarea name="Comments" id="Comments"
cols="50" rows="10"

<br /> 

<input type="submit" name="submit"
id="Submit" value="Join Mail List" tabindex="160"

<br /> 



…and when I
use it with the associated sendmail2.php script: 

<?php /*?> 


$emailAddress = $_REQUEST['emailAddress'] ; 

$pwd = $_REQUEST['pwd'] ; 

$confirm = $_REQUEST['confirm'] ; 

$firstname = $_REQUEST['firstname'] ; 

$lastname = $_REQUEST['lastname'] ; 

$region = $_REQUEST['region'] ; 

$WoodLength = $_REQUEST['WoodLength'] ; 

$shop = $_REQUEST['shop'] ; 

$tools = $_REQUEST['tools'] ; 

$saws = $_REQUEST['saws'] ; 

$Comments = $_REQUEST['Comments'] ; 

mail( "h...@mydomain.com", "Feedback Form Results", 

$message, "From: $email" ); 

header( "Location: http://www.mydomain.com/thankyou.html";


The email is
received, but with a blank return email address and an empty message. None of
the comments or form values get through - just a blank email sent to my
address. Can anyone point me in the right direction – what am I doing wrong? 

Note: That
password field is not really a login password, I just wanted to use it for
testing purposes. 

Do I have to
refrence the type and id attributes in the php script as well? 

Thanks for
any input. 





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