On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 1:32 AM, Gary <gwp...@ptd.net> wrote:

> I had been on that site before, but seems like it is a breeding ground for
> spam and links to "free" commercial sites.  Ran into a few bad or broken
> links, several listings as different scripts only to take you to the same
> "best price hosting" company with no scripts at all.  Is this common, is
> that site on its way out?
> Would you have another suggestion?
Well, I also browsed through that site.. yes what you claimed is true.
Facility/Opportunity comes with a price. So, you can go through the
ads/sponsors but there are working examples/free code snippets as well.

Just googling with that  "random quote php" could yield you a lots of
practical results.




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