On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 10:24 PM, James Hill
<ja...@ichor-interactive.com> wrote:
> The ftpData function and in fact all the php stuff is running online on my
> webserver. The pdf file is on my local machine, I'm trying to upload the
> local pdf file to the server using ftp.
> The dest variable I have tried with the full path:
> /var/www/html/Docs/DU/DU1.pdf
> And with just the DU1.pdf along with ftp_chdir.
> The local file path is being passed through a html form and consists of
> L:/mypdfs/testpdf.pdf
> I've disabled my firewall to try that to no avail.
> James
> Just to be clear where are you running your ftpData function from?
> Your local computer? Where is the PDF file coming from? I hope from
> your local computer as well.
> How does your Source and Dest variables look like? Full paths?
> Have you tried your firewall? (Assuming both script and file is coming
> from local and your firewall is on whitelist mode.)
> Cheers
> --
> http://www.lampadmins.com

I think that explains your problem, in order to upload a file via FTP
your FTP client GENERALLY must reside on the same computer as your
client, in your case your FTP client sits remotely elsewhere (which is
your PHP script) and your file is on your local computer.

A simple HTTP file upload should fit your 100K file nicely.



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