On 5/16/09 3:55 AM, "Per Jessen" <p...@computer.org> wrote:

> Tom Worster wrote:
>> imagine writing a script to run as a daemon reading data off the
>> bottom of a log file that gets updated every few minutes and
>> processing each new log line as they arrive.
>> i could exec("tail $logfile", $lines, $status) every now and then. or
>> poll the file mtime and run exec("tail $logfile", $lines, $status)
>> when it changes. there will be some lag due to the polling interval.
>> but it would be nice to not have to poll the file and somehow trigger
>> the processing of the new line when the log file is written. but i'm
>> not sure how to do that.
>> any ideas?
> 1) the inotify interface will alert you when a file or directory
> changes. 

do you mean the pecl inotify extension? that would eliminate the polling and
the associated lag. but the php manual says it requires linux. if that's the
case then it's not going to work for me. the app i'm working with runs on os

os x 10.5 has FSEvents but i'm not sure that's much improvement on polling
the log file.

> 2) run tail -f logfile | <yourscript> and read from stdin. (not tested).

i thought of this but i couldn't see much difference between reading from
stdin and opening the log file itself and reading from that (reading and
tesing for eof periodically in both cases i suppose). but i may be missing
something in your suggestion.

> 3) if you can change the logfile to a fifo, you're all set.

i don't have any control over the app that writes the log file. if there
were a utility like tail -f that opens a fifo for output rather than
outputting to sdtout...

thanks for the suggestions, per!

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