On 19 May 2009 14:37, Daniele Grillenzoni advised:

> My complaint is this: a I can have a select multiple with a
> normal name,
> which is allowed by every spec, but PHP requires me to use []
> in order
> to properly retrieve the values.

I really don't understand the problem with this -- in fact, I find it
quite useful to distinguish inputs which may have only 1 value from
those which may be multi-valued. And it all depends on what you mean by
a "normal" name, of course -- no current (X)HTML spec disallows [] as
part of a name attribute, so in that sense a name containing them could
be seen as perfectly normal...!! ;) ;)

Can you explain why this is such a hang-up for you, as I haven't seen
anything in what you've posted so far to convince me it's any kind of



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Developer,
C507, Leeds Metropolitan University, Civic Quarter Campus, 
Woodhouse Lane, LEEDS,  LS1 3HE,  United Kingdom
Email: m.f...@leedsmet.ac.uk
Tel: +44 113 812 4730

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