Zend framework has a wonderful solution to solve this task. You can download
even the demo showing how to do this task
Best regards,

2009/5/20 Angelo Zanetti <ang...@zlogic.co.za>

> Hi all.
> We have done quite a few projects and we are looking to find better ways to
> implementing forms.
> Forms seem to be quite time consuming and repetitive.
> Generally are there any classes or libraries that will assist with:
> 1.      Easy creation of forms (fields and layout)
> 2. Validation of specific fields within the forms (server side not JS)
> 3. Decrease in time required to setup the forms pages
> any other comments are welcome.
> Thanks in advance
> Angelo
> Elemental
> http://www.elemental.co.za <http://www.elemental.co.za/>
> Dynamic Web and Mobile Solutions

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