On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 12:30 AM, Manuel Lemos <mle...@acm.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> on 05/28/2009 10:20 AM Olexandr Heneralov said the following:
>> Hi!
>> Guys, you of course, know that  ASP.NET becomes more and more popular in the
>> world.
>> I have a question for everyone:
>> Can it happen so that PHP will be replaced with ASP.NET?
> ASP.NET is not a language. It is more like a framework that can run
> multiple languages. It can run VB.NET, C# and even PHP (although it is
> not usual).
> I am not sure what are the current numbers, but the latest statistics
> that I have seen Apache was running on 72% of the Internet Web servers
> against only 17% of Microsoft IIS.

I think the two are closer than that. Netcraft has had Apache at
around 45% and Microsoft IIS at around 30% for a couple years now.

> Also PHP is the most popular Apache extension present in between 40% and
> 50% of Apache installations. This means that PHP is present in 1/3 of
> the Internet Web servers, which represents about half of the PHP market
> share.

PHP is also available on IIS. A slightly better measure *might* be the
approach Dan mentioned a while back where he queried Google to count
the number of pages indexed by suffix. Even so, you know what they say
about statistics....

Will ASP.NET replace PHP? Time will tell. (I doubt it.) At any rate,
I'm not losing any sleep over it.


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