Hi PHP community, here I bring a very simple and interesting function that
I made for a project, it's objetive is "to list path files in a directory
with the possibility of using filters and exclusions".

What do you think about?

    function get_files($path, &$result,  Array $exclusions, Array $filters)
        @$dir_content = scandir($path);
        if ($dir_content)
            $end    = count($dir_content);
            $i      = 2;

            for ($i; $i < $end; $i++)
                $path_and_element = $path.'/'.$dir_content[$i];
                if (array_search($path_and_element, $exclusions) === false)
                    if (array_search(substr($dir_content[$i],
strlen($dir_content[$i]) - 4), $filters) !== false)
                        $result[] = $path_and_element;

                    if (is_dir($path_and_element))
                        get_files($path_and_element, $result, $exclusions,

    $path       = '/var/www';
    $result     = array();
    $exclusions = array('/var/www/drupal', '/var/www/wp');
    $filters    = array('.php');

    get_files($path, $result, $exclusions, $filters);

    echo "<pre>";


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