> I'm used to an IDE where you write code, run, and debug it. When you get it
> where you want and want to create an application, then you compile the code
> and there's an application -- a stand alone application -- done!

You may be looking for glade http://glade.gnome.org/
It's in MacPorts as glade and glade3
port search whatever
port search glade

man port
and check out "variants"

I don't recall if Glade has debugging.

Remember PHP is a scripting language.  You don't compile.  But I have
seen something that compiles PHP to a stand alone app
google says this today for "compile php stand alone"

> In both cases they are very verbose about command line stuff, but short on
> how to use php to create an application. I just don't see it. Maybe my
> terminology is not correct. My applications stand by themselves and run when
> clicked -- no command line is needed.

It's been a while since I toyed with this.
Google "glade tutorial"

I would think there is a way to create a YourApp.app bundle for Mac
and have it run when clicked.  I just saw something about creating
your own YourApp.app bundle the other day.  It was not about PHP, but
I'm sure it could be done.  It was something to do with a tool
that...ahh it was about the open source iPhone tool chain.  It did not
create a TheApp.app bundle but showed how to do so manually.  I would
think that you would do something with #!/usr/bin/php -q
More like #!/opt/local/bin/php for MacPorts and make some part of the
bundle point to the executable PHP script.

Not as smooth as Xcode and Interface Builder eh?

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