Did you try connecting using a PDO object instead of sqlite_open? I'm
not positive, but it looks like the sqlite_  only work with sqlite2


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:55 PM, bruce<bedoug...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> hi...
> i've got an issue where i'm trying to incorporate sqlite3 into my php.
> i'm running fedora 9, php5.2.9.
> the php app was  installed using the tun install process...
> i know the docs say that php5+ is supposed to have sqlite incorporate
> natively...
> however, on this box, it doesn't! when i do a phpinfo(), i get the pdo
> stuff, but not the sqlite.
> i went ahead and followed a thread on the php.net that walked through adding
> sqlite3, using the phpize, and managed to create the sqlite3.so...
> the phpinfo now has a sqlite section, with a sqlite3.extension_dir that
> points to the dir that contains the sqlite3.so..
> however, when i run a test app using "sqlite_open", i'm getting an error
> saying that the "sqlite_open" is undefined...
> so... my question..
> how the heck can i resolve this issue!
> thanks..
> -bruce
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