Allen McCabe wrote:
> I created a webpage with the code listed, and a screen shot of the email I
> am currently receiving (with nonsense entered into my inputs)
> URL:
> Anyone that can provide help will be rewarded in their next life. That's a
> promise.

um, your hosting doesn't like that for some reason.

Click it and see what you get.

> Thanks!
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Ashley Sheridan
> <>wrote:
>>  On Tue, 2009-08-04 at 10:56 -0700, Jim Lucas wrote:
>>> Allen McCabe wrote:
>>>> *Parse error*: syntax error, unexpected $end in *
>>>> /home/a9066165/public_html/admin/processccu.php* on line *231*
>>> I have learned from a number of similar mistakes that this error message
>>> /normally/ means that I have a miss-matched number of brackets on a
>>> foreach, while, or if, etc... statement.
>>> Usually the line number will represent the last line in your script.  In
>>> this case, they don't seem to match...
>>> Jim
>>>> I did some major code rewriting about halfway through (lines 114-132),
>> and
>>>> suddenly I'm getting the above ERROR. I have examined the code line by
>> line,
>>>> but I'm still relatively new to this, and I don't even know what to
>> look
>>>> for!
>>>> Here is the complete code, from beginning <?php tag to closing </html>
>> tag:
>> Thats why I always prefer to have the brackets line up in the code (I
>> forget what the style is called) so that it looks like this:
>> function someFunction
>> {
>>    if(condition)
>>    {
>>        do something
>>    }
>> }
>> etc..
>> Thanks,
>> Ash

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