Try something like:

         create_function('$a,$b', 'return $a["what_level"] -

and adjust this according to the level and what you want to sort on



Aaron Bennett wrote:
> Hi All,
>   I'm trying to sort an array of objects by the value of one of those
> objects...
> for instance, I'll have an object with 2 properties, "id" and "score", where
> id is unique and score is its relevant (and sometimes simelar) score. i've
> tried using sort() and asort() but i can't figure how to base the sorting
> off the value (i.e. score) of the object in the array. Any help?
> --
> Aaron

Justin Farnsworth
Eye Integrated Communications
321 South Evans - Suite 203
Greenville, NC 27858 | Tel: (252) 353-0722

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