Ralph Deffke wrote:
but what Im asking is that the reality?

go and talk to accountant and tell them after spending soansomuch for the
new site hes has to buy a new server ! what will acountant say, what u

another more important point is in reality u take a project on on a specific
hardware base. lets say it a pretty new server fast a mercedes 500 but not a
ferrari V1.
because of ur great reusable code u do an extra ordinary competitive price
bacause u are ready made that fast, u put it on the server and ? womm
because of thausand of includes and stuff the customer is not happy with the
what u think who is going to pay the new hardware? or better who is going to
cut down the code.

well its me, because as senior consultant i'm taking over the projects from
young programmers who went out of business because the postulations of the
closed contract put them bankrupt.

THATS THE REALITY so guys tell me on a design pattern frame work what
requirements the server should fullfill that I can astimate if the customers
situation will not put me out of business?

You could do well to read up on accelerators then since they will save you a large portion of the inclusion/compilation overhead. As a senior consultant you should know that. Everything you've mentioned so far is YOUR reality... possibly shared by others, but so far I'm not seeing too many coming in with the same problem. As a matter of my own discipline, I tend towards shallow class hierarchies and lazy loading of libraries.

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