-----Original Message-----
From: Nitebirdz [mailto:nitebi...@sacredchaos.com] 
Sent: 20 August 2009 02:58 PM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP] SESSIONS lost sometimes

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 02:34:54PM +0200, Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> Hi Leon, 
> No harm intended :) Just thought that people were missing my post now and
> only answering yours.

Angelo, excuse me if I'm bringing up something very basic, but I'm new
to this.  Just trying to help.  

I imagine redirects couldn't be the cause of the problem, right?  



Hi thanks for the links it appears that its all in order also I'm not losing
SESSIONS on the redirect but somewhere else.

I have checked the garbage collection, disk space and other settings in the
PHP.ini file. ALL FINE.

So now I am really stuck and confused as to what could sometimes cause the
loss of these variables and other times it just works fine. 

Is there possibly a way that I can call some function that will ensure that
the sessions are saved (I checked the manual - nothing much).

Any other ideas? Anything that you think might be causing issues? 


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