I've been playing about more and now I have the following code:

ini_set('display_errors', true);

function getDirectory($path = '.', $ignore = '') {
    $dirTree = array ();
    $dirTreeTemp = array ();
    $fileDate = array ();
    $ignore[] = '.';
    $ignore[] = '..';
    $dh = @opendir($path);
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
        if (!in_array($file, $ignore)) {
            if (!is_dir("$path/$file")) {
                $dirTree["$path"][] = $file;
                $fileDate["$file"][] = date ("d/m/Y",
            } else {
                $dirTreeTemp = getDirectory("$path/$file", $ignore);
                if (is_array($dirTreeTemp))$dirTree =
array_merge($dirTree, $dirTreeTemp, $fileDate);
    return $dirTree;

$ignore = array('.htaccess', 'Thumbs.db', 'index.php');
$dirTree = getDirectory('.', $ignore);

echo "Gatwick Tender Documents\n";

foreach( $dirTree as $key => $folder ){
   echo "\n"; //Don't need folders as they're shown with the files
   foreach( $folder as $file){
       echo str_replace("./", "", $key) . "\t" . $file . "\t\n"; //Pad
out with a tab for easy import into excel

print_r($dirTree); //Just using this for debugging

The output is fine for the paths and filenames but I still can't get
the dates showing. It's getting the correct date for some but not all.
I did something else earlier and found that all the dates were
01/01/1970 but at least there was a date for every file but can't
remember how I go there!

Here is a sample output result:

Gatwick Tender Documents

.       9216_100_REV_V1.0_bound.dwg     

Tender Docs     BAA Works Terms v1.1 (22.05.08).pdf     
Tender Docs     Contents of Volumes 1 and 2.pdf 
Tender Docs     Cover Letter and Instructions.doc       
Tender Docs     Form of Tender.doc      

Tender Docs/Health and Safety Questionnaire     NT Baggage Tender
Questionaire rev2.xls

BAA Works Terms v1.1 (22.05.08).pdf     29/07/2009      

Contents of Volumes 1 and 2.pdf 29/07/2009      

Cover Letter and Instructions.doc       29/07/2009      

Form of Tender.doc      29/07/2009      

Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     3J-B-1 PIR.xls  
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     3J-B-2B PIR.xls 
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     3J-B-2R PIR.xls 
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     3J-B-3R PIR.xls 
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     3J-D PIR.xls    
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     4G-G PIR.xls    
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     4J-B-1B PIR.xls 
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     4J-B-1R PIR.xls 
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     4J-B-2B PIR.xls 
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     4J-B-2R PIR.xls 
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     4J-B-4 PIR.xls  
Tender Docs/NTB BH Lighting     5G-G PIR.xls    

Can anyone shed any light on it?
I'm about to admit defeat!

Thanks in advance and I'm not being lazy - I really am trying!!! :(


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