Shawn McKenzie wrote:
> John Stoffel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking for some help with PHP5.2.x hacking on a web site to
>> cleanup how the user submitted search form is handled.  Basically I
>> want to make it simple for the end user to a) refine their query, b)
>> not have to answer popups if they hit the reload button, and c) so I
>> can learn more PHP.  I found this nice reference:
>> which has two sections by "wayne" and "Jonas Lindel" talking about how
>> you can take the results of a PHP POST request, stuff the vars into
>> your session, and redirect back to the same page without the POST vars
>> set, then complete the query.
>> The idea is so that when people hit the "back" or "reload" buttons,
>> they don't keep getting asked whether they want to resubmit their
>> data.
>> What I'm trying is not strictly needed, but it would be a nice cleanup
>> of the interface of the search forms for this site.  
>> I've been googling, reading php5.x docs and trying to understand what
>> needs to be done here.  I think I'm just missing how to re-assign
>> $this properly, so that when the redirect happens, the proper env is set.
>> Here's the snippet I'm trying to use, which bombs out with:
>>    Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in .... on line 45
>> And the code I'm using is:
>> <?
>> // We want to put the search query into a session so we can restore it
>> // easily when users goto look at full_holdings.php and then return to
>> // the overall display page.  We'll need to do a session_destroy in
>> // index.php I think.  See the tutorial(s) at
>> //
>> //
>> session_start();
>> // Now see Jonas Lindel's & Wayne's code at
>> // for
>> // this *nice* trick.
>> //is there POST or GET data we should look at
>> if($_POST or ($_GET and (!isset($_SESSION['skipnextget'])))) {
>>   //is there GET data?
>>   if($_GET) {
>>     $newgetarr = array();
>>     foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
>>       if(is_array($value)) {
>>         //if it's an array, convert it to comma separated
>>         $newvalue = implode(',',$value);
>>       } else {
>>         $newvalue = $value;
>>       }
>>       $newgetarr[] = $key.'='.$newvalue;
>>     }
>>     $newget = implode('&',$newgetarr);
>>     $_SESSION['skipnextget'] = 1;
>>   }
>>   foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
>>     $this[$key] = $value;
>>   }
>>   $_SESSION['postvars'] = serialize($this); //put POST in the session
>>   header("Location: http://"; .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
>>   . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?\
>> ' . $newget);
>>   //reload page without POST data and shorter GET data
>>   exit();
>>  } else { //after reloading we'll come right to this spot
>>   session_unregister('skipnextget');
>>   if(isset($_SESSION['postvars'])) {
>>     //load the POST variables from the session
>>     // Error on this line below!
>>     $this = unserialize($_SESSION['postvars']);
>>     session_unregister('postvars'); //delete the session stuff we
>>                                     //don't need anymore.
>>     return $this;
>>   }
>>  }
>>  // rest of my code goes here...
>> _______________________________________________
>> Thanks,
>> John
> I'm not sure if it is technically reserved, but $this is used in a class
> in order for an object to refer to itself.  AFAIK you can't use it
> anywhere other than that.  Just change all $this to $vars or something else.

Also, as you can see by the use of $this, this is old code.  You need to
change all of the session_unregister('varname') stuff to
unset($_SESSION['varname']). session_unregister() is deprecated and will
be removed in PHP 6.


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