Com function is just for Windows,I don't kown why some body like use it.:(

2009/8/27 Andrew Ballard <>:
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 9:51 AM, David Stoltz<> wrote:
>> Sorry - I don't know what you mean by DB class?
>> I'm using Microsoft SQL 2000....with this code:
>> <?php
>> //create an instance of the  ADO connection object
>> $conn = new COM ("ADODB.Connection")
>>  or die("Cannot start ADO");
>> //define connection string, specify database driver
>> $connStr = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=xxxx;UID=xxx;PWD=xxxx;DATABASE=xxxx";
>> $conn->open($connStr); //Open the connection to the database
>> $query = "SELECT * FROM eval_evaluations WHERE id = ".$_POST["eval"];
>> $rs = $conn->execute($query);
>> echo $rs->Fields(22); //this is where that particular field is NULL, and 
>> produces the error
>> ....
> Because you are using COM, you can't use PHP's empty(), isset(), or
> is_null() in your if(...) statement. I've not used COM for much in
> PHP, but I think you'll have to do something like this:
> switch (variant_get_type($rs->Fields(22)) {
>    case VT_EMPTY:
>    case VT_NULL:
>        $q4 = '';
>        break;
>    case VT_UI1:

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