Richard H Lee wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think I'm having a problem with parse_ini_file in php. I am using wamp
> on two machines. I'm installing a Digishop e-commerce package.
> The blah.ini.php file starts with
> ----------------
> <?php die ?>
> some_setting="Ok, I Have Completed This Step"
> another_setting="Next"
> ..
> ..
> ..
> ----------------
> On one machine which uses php 5.2.5 it parses the file fine and installs
> properly
> But on another machine which use 5.3.0 i get the error
> Warning: parse error in blah.ini.php on line 1 in myparser.php on line 81
> On the 5.3.0 if I remove the <?php die ?> it works fine. But it still
> does not install the sofware properly.
> I get the feeling php on the 5.3.0 marchine is parsing the file
> differently to the 5.2.5. I doubt anything has changed between the
> versions. I also compared the phpinfos between the two setups but could
> not see anything outstanding.
> Have any of you guys seen this behaviour before?
> Cheers,
> Richard

I would write a little line to your cli like this

php -r 'print_r(parse_ini_file("/path/to/your/ini.file.php"));'

see if the output is different.  If it is, then you know that the two
versions are doing something different.

If you find that the output is different and you have more questions
please provide the output from "php -v" from both machines and we might
be able to help further.

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