On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:22:20 -0600, LinuxManMikeC wrote:

> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>">click here</a>


Throw any random web site to an HTML validator
and you're likely to see this kind of slop all

The correct solution is of course:

  $u = htmlspecialchars ($url);
  echo "<a href=\"$u\">$u</a>";

[A more elaborate way to flay this feline is
 included below.]


/* Reworked from slightly different code.
   Bugs may have been introduced.         */


  function url_to_links ($url)
    if (preg_match ('@^([a-z]+://)(.*)@i', $url, $m)) {
      $prfx = $m[1];
      $path = $m[2];
    } else {
      return htmlspecialchars ($url);

    $url_sofar = $prfx;
    $links = htmlspecialchars ($prfx);

    $segs = explode ('?', $path, 2);
    if (isset ($segs[1]))
      $query = $segs[1];
    $segs = explode ('/', $segs[0]);

    for ($segn = 0; $segn < count ($segs); $segn++) {
      $url_sofar .= $segs[$segn];
      if (isset ($segs[$segn+1]))
        $url_sofar .= '/';

      if ($segs[$segn] !== '') {
        $links .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars ($url_sofar) . '">'
               . htmlspecialchars ($segs[$segn]) . '</a>';

      if (isset ($segs[$segn+1]))
        $links .= '/';

    if (isset ($query)) {
      $url_sofar .= "?$query";
      $links .= '?<a href="' . htmlspecialchars ($url_sofar)
             .  '">' . htmlspecialchars ($query) . '</a>';

    return $links;

  $u = 'https://ebagwa.example/abd/def/ghi?s=t&u=v&w=x&y=z';
  $u_h = htmlspecialchars ($u);
  $links = url_to_links ($u);

  header ('Content-Type: text/html');

  echo <<<_



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