Matthew Croud wrote:
>>> Doesn't the DOM have the getAttribute() method?
>> Thanks,
>> Ash
> It's not in my reference, though I see it in the PHP manual now.
> This is what I have:
> _____________________________
> $dom = new DomDocument();
> $dom -> load("items.xml");
> $topics = $dom -> getElementsByTagName("item");
> echo("<ul>");
> foreach ($topics as $node )
> {
>     echo("<li>". $node -> hasAttributes() ."</li>");   
> }
> echo("</ul>");
> ______________________________
> I'm replacing hasAttributes() with getAttribute() but its throwing me an
> error, I'm probably using it incorrectly.
> I think I'm drowning in the deep end =/
> Could you advise Gamesmaster ?

It's a method on DomElement:

and you need to tell it which attribute to get... :)

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