
My apologies if this has been covered before, or if i have missed it on
the php manual web pages.  I am looking for some information on how to do
a perl like array with a *sql call in PHP.

Here is what I want to do:

    _rid (tinyint)
    description (mediumtext)

        Sample data:
            _rid    description
            1       open
            2       closed
            3       testing
            10      S
            11      M
            12      L
            13      XL
            20      Black
            21      Red
            22      Green
            23      Blue

In perl this might be accomplished by doing this:
   (Note some pseudo code is used here.  Assume mysql as database but
    could be others like Oracle.)

   $query  = "SELECT _rid,description FROM problem_class";
   $q_pointer = sql_query($query);
   @problem_class = sql_associate_array_get($q_pointer);

   print "<select name=\"status\">\n";
   for ($i = 0; $i < 10 ; ++$i) {
       if ( $problem_class[$i] ne "") {
           print "    <option value=\"$i\"> $problem_class[$i]\n";
   print "</select>\n";

   print "<select name=\"size\">\n";
   for ($i = 10; $i < 20 ; ++$i) {
       if ( $problem_class[$i] ne "") {
           print "    <option value=\"$i\"> $problem_class[$i]\n";
   print "</select>\n";

   print "<select name=\"color\">\n";
   for ($i = 20; $i < 30 ; ++$i) {
       if ( $problem_class[$i] ne "") {
           print "    <option value=\"$i\"> $problem_class[$i]\n";
   print "</select>\n";

This produces something very close to this:

    <select name="status">
        <option value="1"> open
        <option value="2"> closed
        <option value="3"> testing

    <select name="size">
        <option value="10"> S
        <option value="11"> M
        <option value="12"> L
        <option value="13"> XL

    <select name="color">
        <option value="20"> Black
        <option value="21"> Red
        <option value="22"> Green
        <option value="23"> Blue

If I could use something like this, it would allow me to produce different
'for' statements for each select drop down I wanted to create.  One table
to maintain, and change encase politics force me to change some of
definitions with out having to do a massive sql update.  This works as
long as the problem_class table is rather short (ie less than 1,000

I know I am missing something 'obvious' in this.  Your help is
appreciated.  Thank you.

Chris Oxenreider | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.state.net/~oxenreid
                 | MicroSoft Windows 2000: The De facto sub standard.

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