2009/10/19 Kim Madsen <php....@emax.dk>:
> Dotan Cohen wrote on 2009-10-18 21:21:
>> I thought that one could not test if a database connection is
>> established or not, this is the most relevant thing that I found while
>> googling that:
>> http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=29645
> from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-connect.php
> $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');
> if (!$link) {
>    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
> }
> So just test if $link is available

I need to know if there is _any_ connection available, not a specific
connection. In one script it may be $link but in another $connection.

>> All the connections are to MySQL databases, but to _different_ MySQL
>> databases on the same host.
> Would't this solve you problem?
> $link1 = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user1', 'mysql_password');
> $link2 = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user2', 'mysql_password');
> if($link1) {
> etc...
> or I would say that your "different scripts" should require different db
> connection files.

Of course they connect differently, each to a different database (all
on localhost).

Dotan Cohen


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