On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 05:49:43PM -0200, Manuel Lemos wrote:

> Hello,
> on 10/28/2009 05:24 PM Robert Cummings said the following:
> >>> I want to be able to get a screenshot of a given website on the fly.
> >>> Can you give me any suggestions.
> >>
> >> If you are still looking at solutions for this problem, here you can
> >> find a solution that works on Windows:
> >>
> >> http://www.phpclasses.org/win-screenshot
> >>
> >> Here is another that works on Linux and any platform that supports
> >> PHP-Gtk:
> >>
> >> http://www.phpclasses.org/gtkmozembed-shot
> >
> > It hurts my eyes to go on the phpclasses website. It's like someone
> > vomited tabs and links :|
> I have no clue why you felt the need to be so aggressive.
> Anyway, if you are that sensitive to design issues, why don't you
> participate in the contest to propose a better design instead of just
> complaining against the work that others do to help the PHP community?
> You can earn prizes and start helping instead of just putting down what
> others do.
> http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/104-Submit-your-site-redesign-proposal-for-the-contest.html

Here's a free suggestion. You don't even have to give me a prize. You
know those random words which are underlined on that page, and when you
mouse over them, you get the random advertisement on a completely
unrelated subject, which also emits a *sound* on my computer? Get rid of
them completely. They are beyond annoying. I get that you need to make
money with this site, but those obnoxious ads are the exact opposite
wrong way to do it.

Also, while I wouldn't have expressed it quite as crassly as Robert, I
have to agree on his evaluation of the site's look. I have a logon on
your site and have been to it many times. I just figured you liked it
like that. But in truth, it needs a serious and complete makeover. But
like Robert, I have no end of things to take care of, quite outside of
redisigning phpclasses.net. I'd suggest you scrap the contest and go
find a good free CSS template. But that's just me.

And just for the record, I'm really not ragging on you. PHPClasses.net
is the only site of its kind I know of. There is an endless variety of
code for almost anything you could want to do in PHP. That's why I
maintain a login there.


Paul M. Foster

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