i am using smarty template engine at work place, following is the situation

i already have 1 template that has already been created example =
http://localhost/sites/template1.com this works fine

following is the folder structure i have for smarty on xampp

1. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\template1.com where i have .htaccess index.php and

2. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\_templates\templates\template1

in the siteconf.php file there are all the major variables defined which are
accessed in other tpl file of the templates example in aboutus page,
contactus page etc of this template1

now i have created another template called template2 and this also has the
same structure

1. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\template2.com where i have .htaccess index.php and

2. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\_templates\templates\template2

my question is the look and feel when i access
http://localhost/sites/template1.com and

is the same the only thing that needs to be done is for template2 when i
access http://localhost/sites/template2.com ONLY the header image should be
different compared to the header i have for
http://localhost/sites/template1.com this is the only change i need

i am not aware as to the php code i need to write so that when i access
http://localhost/sites/template2.com the header image changes and this new
header image remains for the entire pages of

presently in header.tpl of template1 is written as follows

{if strpos($Data.KEYWORD,"rv rental") === false}
<div class="header"
style="background:url(images/header_{$siteData.COUNTRY3}.gif) no-repeat top
<div class="header"
style="background:url(images/header_{$siteData.COUNTRY3}_rv.gif) no-repeat
top left;">

so i need to chane the {if} {else} where i need to mention that if i am
accessing http://localhost/sites/template2.com then the header image should
be different.

any help will be greatly appreciated.

please advice.


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