On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 03:07:42PM +0000, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 10:09 -0500, Paul M Foster wrote:


>     Ahem. You are correct. I should have escaped the double quotes. I've
>     *never* made this kind of mistake before. ;-}
>     Paul
>     --
>     Paul M. Foster
> Gonna go to PHP hell for that faux pas!

PHP Hell Characteristics:

Endless pages of code *you* have to make work.

Tons of PHP code embedded in HTML. Not an MVC in sight.

Everything is full of misquoted variables.

All variables are *slightly* misspelled.

Every PHP page terminated with ?> and then a couple more CRLF
combinations, just to make sure you can't figure out why your pages
won't display.

No security checking of any POST or GET variables. In fact, all input is
guaranteed to contain javascript fragments.

Parameters in all PHP function calls are out of order.

No access to php.net. And no XKCD.com.

No caffeine. No nicotine. No pizza.

The phone won't quit ringing, and you can't disconnect it. It's always
customers asking for senseless and nonsensical modifications.

If you're a vim user, you're forced to use emacs. If you're an emacs
user, you have to use vim. And if you use an IDE, you're stuck with
Microsoft Word.


Paul M. Foster

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