Hi. thanks for your reply. I learned php and I have created several web
application before. But all i ever do, is creating php files with one html
form an some php tags that manipulate data and sends it to a database or
another web page (or to itself). Now i like try building a web pages that
have several widgets, gadgets or anything. Therefore i make a web page like
a portal that each segments work independently of each other, something like
home page of gmail or in igoogle or anything. I examined HTML frames in a
project, recently. But, indeed it wasn't a thing that i looking for. Because
the gadgets can have been removed by user, but HTML frames are static absurd
things in web page.
*In summary, I looking for a technology to build php pages with some
independent sections.*

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Ashley Sheridan

>  On Fri, 2009-11-20 at 23:15 +0330, Ali Asghar Toraby Parizy wrote:
> Hi
> How can i create a web page that include some gadgets? what kind of
> technology do i have to use to creating web pages like igoogle and gmail?
> How can i create them by php?
> Wow!
> Well, first what is it you want to do? Make another iGoogle or Gmail, as
> they are both pretty different beasts. One is a page of 'gadgets' as you
> call them, the other is a web-based email application.
> I'm guessing from your post that PHP is new to you. First then, I guess you
> need to decide on where are you getting the gadget parts from? If you can
> find things online that you can embed as Flash apps or iframes, then you
> probably won't need PHP at all. If you are planning on building them
> yourself, then you really will need to learn PHP. There is no magic solution
> to this question I'm afraid, and the scope of it is pretty huge, so you need
> to think about the parts that make it up and tackle each one.
>   Thanks,
> Ash
> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk

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